Why Does Semen Leakage Happen While Sleeping 9 Shocking Reasons?

Many males have this complaint that they see semen in underpants after waking-up in the morning or wake-up at night to find they have discharged in sleep. This occurrence is called nocturnal emission which is common amongst young males but can affect even adult males. Why does semen leakage happen while sleeping?

9 Shocking Reasons?
There are many reasons of automatic sperm ejaculation during sleep which can cause the problem in male of any age. Here we have listed 9 shocking reasons for semen leakage while sleeping. Avoiding these causes can provide protection and relief from wet dreams problem.

Age is one of the natural causes of nocturnal emission. Although most of the males are aware that during adolescence occurrence of wet dreams is common and normal. But why age is one of the 9 shocking reasons for semen leakage while sleeping is that even at later age males are prone to suffer with the problem. The debilities and prostate problems that arise at later age can promote this problem in many males.

Low energy levels or high stress are also potent causes of automatic sperm ejaculation while sleeping. Excessive stress or chronic fatigue due to poor vitality and low energy causes lethargic nerves which promote involuntary loss of semen.

9 Shocking Reasons?  Infographic
Full bladder at night can cause erection and increase chances of nightfall. Many males face frequent nightfall because their system was active to control urine which led to excitement and discharge.

Sitting jobs restrict flow of blood in pelvic region. Males not sufficiently active physically have restricted flow of blood in pelvic region. Blood flow normalizes when male lies down in bed and at night normal flow of blood stimulate nerves to cause excitement and sometimes nightfall.

Excessive masturbation is one of the 9 shocking reasons for semen leakage while sleeping. Mostly males assume that more they will masturbate lesser number of nightfall they will face, but actually it is quite opposite, more masturbation leads to more frequent nocturnal emission.

Long term abstinence from sex can bring occasional automatic sperm ejaculation. Absence of normal sex life can bring excitement during sleep to cause the problem, but even in such cases frequent night discharge is regarded as sign of weakness which needs treatment.

Too much alcohol, smoking, recreational drugs etc. are reasons why does semen leakage happens while sleeping. These habits cause hormonal imbalance, weaknesses in nerves and even stress which triggers problems like frequent night discharge.

Health problems like diabetes or others that strain nervous system and bring debilities are commonly seen reasons why does semen leakage happens while sleeping. Certain types of medications have also been found as culprits to cause the problem.

Pornography is one of the major causes of sexual problems which males face today. Even young males immature to take part in sexual acts become active due to stimulating effects of pornography over their psyche. Even in case of adult males too much involvement with porn movies, magazines and content can cause problem of frequent nightfall.

Erotic material or conversation brings excitement few times during the day and silently makes nerves of genital region hyperactive. Overtly active nerves become too sensitive and cause intense arousal during sleep to bring discharge.

No Fall and Maha Rasayan capsules in combination handle these and also other causes of wet dreams naturally. These pills not only stop night discharge but also reverse their damaging effects over male health and virility.

No Fall capsules come with aphrodisiac herbs that increase availability of testosterone hormone. This hormone is beneficial for male health in many ways. It improves muscular endurance and also sharpens brain functions. It eliminates signs of depression and keeps a male’s confidence higher.

T hormone is vital for healthy reproductive system and metabolizes fat faster. Optimum availability of this hormone maintains reproductive system at peak of its functions and improves male’s potency and virility.

No Fall capsules promote testicular and prostate gland functions. These treat enlargement, congestion and inflammation of prostate and promote male virility. These pills stop discharge of semen at night and also treat and cure other sexual dysfunctions naturally and quickly.

Maha Rasayan capsules come with aphrodisiac, nutritive and hormone balancing herbs. These pills supplement vital minerals and nutrients to improve health and energy and maintain healthy nervous system.

Purgatory and anti-ageing herbs present in these pills cleanse harmful compounds and inhibit free-radicals to provide age-defying vitality and virility to a male. These pills balance release of thyroid insulin, adrenaline, growth and other health promoting hormones. Healthy level of these hormones promotes vitality, virility and longevity and maintains male’s quality of life higher. These supplements are purely herbal and come with zero side effects.

Males suffering with nightfall problem due to any reason gain safe and fast treatment with long-lasting results and much better physical and mental health. These supplements make a male much capable lover in bed by enhancing his potency and vigor. 


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